What We're Doing

Revive is a not-for-profit organization that has been created to help persons who are dealing with dementia and memory issues. Few are aware of the miraculous impact music can have on persons struggling with these illnesses. On these pages you will find resources and tools that will support, encourage, and help with caring for loved ones in various stages of memory loss.

The Vagle Brothers recently recorded a CD titled, “Music is God’s Gift” that contains 19 familiar hymns. These CDs are not for sale but can be obtained upon request. The CDs are intended to be used as a tool to assist in the care of your loved ones. The recording style is simple – no key changes, no elaborate arrangements or non-traditional phrasing at the end of the hymns, just simple four-part harmonies. The specific intention of this straightforward traditional music style is to provide music that is familiar to the listener; hymns as they would have been sung and learned in one’s younger years. 

Persons without specific memory loss issues will also enjoy the music as it is very sing-able and provides an opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy the songs that don’t seem to be sung much anymore.

Become a Giver

What does it mean to give?

Give of your time by caring for those struggling with memory loss. Whether it be a loved one or someone who needs special care, connection is a tremendous component of giving. Be a giver of music – request your free copy of Music Is God’s Gift to share it with others! You can give to the ministry of Revive. Revive (Music Is  God’s Gift)  is an IRS approved charity / not for profit organization. 


Give the gift of music to help people who are dealing memory loss and related illnesses.


To inspire to share music that revives hope, faith and connection.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! Tell us your stories of how music has impacted you and your loved ones with memory issues. 

Mailing Address :
4 Osprey Lane
Glendale, OH 45246

Tim Vagle : President
Email : tvagle@gmail.com

Call : +1-616-405-5656